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Producer of Fine Sheep Milk since 2019.

River Braid is a sheep milking enterprise, situated just outside the city of Christchurch, New Zealand; on the Southern Flood Plain of the Great, Braided, Waimakiriri River.

James and Lisa Thomson have long talked about the possibility of milking sheep and together, with a lot of help from our staff and other generously minded folk, are pleased to have established another source of production from our honorable flock of sheep.


In 2019, the River Braid sheep flock comprised of Ile de France Sheep. Our lambs in 2020 will be Ile France x Lacaune.

The Ile de France sheep is a hardy French breed originating from the Ile de France region, in which Paris is included.


Ile de France Sheep are bred to be a dual purpose (meat and wool) animal. Ile de France sheep are also selected for milking ability. Ile de France sheep produce milk with notably high total milk solids, whilst also producing exceptional lambs with top quality meat attributes.

Lacaune sheep are a French dairy breed whose milk is used to create the very famous Roquefort cheese. 


Lacaune are a classic milking breed that produce milk which is high in butterfat and protein as well as being full of flavour. Their genetic programme has been focused on milk content, good udder conformation and low somatic cell count.

Our operation also includes a flock of Sam Rielly's "PaiWai"sheep which are a composite of traditional sheep milking breeds, East Freisian and Awasi.

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